最近 Apple 更新了 OS X,通过 App Store 更新下载下来 OS X El Capitan 的安装时遇到问题了 – 手头的这台 Mac 之前有人分区安装了 Windows, OS X 安装在第二个分区, OS X El Capitan 却不能安装在 OS X 所在的分区,而且格式化 Windows 所在的分区又报错,也是醉了,只好重装。
Run > Debug Configurations > Select PHP CLI Application > New
Debugging PHP Web Applications (PHP Web Application)
Create a PHP project;
Create a PHP file;
Create a new debug configuration;
Run > Debug Configurations > Select PHP Web Application > New
Test with PHPUnit
Run > External Tools > External Tools Configurations… > Program > New
Working Directory:${workspace_loc:/Backend/tests}
Apply > Run
Resolving the Dependencies to the Testing Framework
* Defining User Libraries
Eclipse -> Preferences... > PHP -> PHP Libraries > New... > OK
Add External folder... > [Verifying the include path](http://pear.php.net/manual/en/installation.checking.php)
* Adding User Libraries to the Project
fail with PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase class is not available. Fix…, I doubt that MakeGood doesn’t support eclipse mars.
*Testing Framework Specific Configuration
* Open the properties for the project.
* Select MakeGood.
* Select PHPUnit.
* Specify the XML Configuration File. [eg](http://beagile.biz/a-simple-phpunit-xml-configuration-example/)