###Notes of Set up PHP development environment

  1. Install Eclipse PDT;
  2. Install PEAR and PECL on Mac OS X, php.ini locate in /etc on Yosemite;
  3. Install Xdebug through PEAR/PECL;
    Addition configure for Yosemite
    • sudo cp /etc/php.ini.default /etc/php.ini
    • add “zend_extension=/usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20121212/xdebug.so” to php.ini
  4. Debugging Local PHP Files (PHP CLI Application)

    • Create a PHP project;
    • Create a PHP file;
    • Set a breakpoint in PHP file;
    • Save file;
    • Create a new debug configuration;
      • Eclipse > Preference… > PHP Executables > Add (Executable path: which php)
      • Run > Debug Configurations > Select PHP CLI Application > New
  5. Debugging PHP Web Applications (PHP Web Application)
    • Create a PHP project;
    • Create a PHP file;
    • Create a new debug configuration;
      • Run > Debug Configurations > Select PHP Web Application > New
  6. Test with PHPUnit
    • Run > External Tools > External Tools Configurations… > Program > New [Main] Location:/usr/local/bin/phpunit Working Directory:${workspace_loc:/Backend/tests} Apply > Run Reference
  7. Integrate MakeGood (failure)
    • Installing Prerequisite Software
      • PHP 5.5.27 (cli)
      • xdebug-2.3.2
      • eclipse mars(4.5.0)
      • PDT(3.5.0)
      • PHPUnit (4.8.6)
    • Installing MakeGood Help -> Install New Software… -> Add… -> http://eclipse.piece-framework.com/

    • Selecting a Testing Framework

    • Resolving the Dependencies to the Testing Framework * Defining User Libraries Eclipse -> Preferences… > PHP -> PHP Libraries > New… > OK Add External folder… > Verifying the include path * Adding User Libraries to the Project

      fail with PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase class is not available. Fix…, I doubt that MakeGood doesn’t support eclipse mars.

    *Testing Framework Specific Configuration
    PHPUnit * Open the properties for the project. * Select MakeGood. * Select PHPUnit. * Specify the XML Configuration File. eg


###Throw java.lang.NullPointerException when create a new debug configuration

Solution: Add a PHP Executable, Eclipse > Preference… > PHP Executables > Add (Executable path: which php)

###Wait for XDebug session

Solution:Debugging PHP Web Applications时卡在这里,原因是XDebug remote debug没配置好,参考了Remote DebuggingDebugging using XDebug,发现phpinfo()输出的内容并没有XDebug。于是来开始配置php.ini,参考的How to set default php.ini to be used, OSX Yosemite

sudo cp /etc/php.ini.default /etc/php.ini

// Add follow content to php.ini

sudo apachectl restart

###/private/tmp/pear/install/xdebug/xdebug.c:25:10: fatal error: ‘php.h’ file not found


$ xcode-select --install
