Mac 使用笔记(一)
1. How to enable the three finger drag on OS X 10.11
Step 1: Open System Preferences
Step 2: Click Accessibility
Step 3: Click Mouse & Trackpad
Step 4: Click Trackpad Options…
Step 5: Click Enable dragging
Step 6: Select “three finger drag” in the drop down box
2. How to find computer name on Mac
System Preference > Sharing -
Command Line
$ hostname
3. SSH to Server Without Entering Password From Mac
$ cp ~/.ssh/ ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
4. How to open google search results in a new tab?
Solution:Here’s how to make Google open your results in a new tab every time. If you’d rather Google not open your results on the same page, you can set the default by going to Google and clicking on the cog in the upper right-hand corner. Choose “Search Settings” from the list, then scroll down to “Where Results Open”.
5. 怎么输入千分号?
Solution:shift-option-R输入‰ Reference:
6. Mac keyboard shortcuts
Solution: Command ⌘ Shift ⇧ Option ⌥ Control ⌃ Caps Lock ⇪ Fn
7. Add a user to a group
$ sudo dscl localhost -append /Local/Default/Groups/thegroupname GroupMembership theusername
8. To create a group
$ dscl / -create /Groups/GROUP
$ dscl / -create /Groups/GROUP PrimaryGroupID GID
$ dscl / -create /Groups/GROUP Password \*
9. To create a user
$ dscl / -create /Users/USER
$ dscl / -create /Users/USER UniqueID UID
$ dscl / -create /Users/USER UserShell /usr/bin/false
$ dscl / -create /Users/USER RealName 'DESCRIPTION'
$ dscl / -create /Users/USER NFSHomeDirectory DIRECTORY
$ dscl / -create /Users/USER PrimaryGroupID GID
$ dscl / -create /Users/USER Password \*
10. How to view whether port was occupied under mac?
1) netstat -an | grep 'port'
2) lsof -i:port
11. If you forgot the passcode for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, or your device is disabled
12. Disable AAM Updates Notifier
$ sudo mv /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist.disable
13. 如何解决Mac里面解压后文件名乱码问题?
14. 如何识别 MacBook Pro 机型?
15.Mac: Can’t assign requested address (code=49) or ssh: connect to host xxx.xx.xx.xx port xx: Can’t assign requested address
A: Can’t assign requested address (code=49) is a bug in Mac OS X, and not an issue with OVPN itself.
There are two ways of fixing this issue. The first one is easier as you simply have to restart your computer. Otherwise, you can solve the problem through the terminal. If you have a cable connection, you type the following into a terminal:
$ sudo ifconfig en0 down
$ sudo route flush
$ sudo ifconfig en0 up
If you instead use WiFi, you type:
$ sudo ifconfig en1 down
$ sudo route flush
$ sudo ifconfig en1 up
Type every line separately. If asked for your password, simply type the password for your computer and not for OVPN.
If the command sudo route flush takes longer than 10 seconds to complete, hold down Ctrl + C.