
// /Users/<username>/.gradle/gradle.properties (Mac)
# Http Proxy


###2.设置Gradle home

// Mac OS X
Use local gradle distribution > Gradle home > /Applications/Android Studio.app/Contents/plugins/gradle

###3.The project is using an unsupported version of Gradle

The project is using an unsupported version of Gradle.
Please point to a supported Gradle version in the project's Gradle settings or in the project's Gradle wrapper (if applicable.)

Consult IDE log for more details (Help | Show Log)

###4.Error:Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name ‘android:Theme.AppCompat.Light’.

###5.Project’X’ is missing required Java project ‘Y’ Solution: Open Java project ‘Y’

###6.Unbound classpath container: ‘Default System Library’ Solution: Eclipse > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs > Add > Standar VM > Select JRE Directory

My Mac JRE Directory is here:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_11.jdk/Contents/Home/

###7.Eclipse Can’t detect Android Device Solution: Disable device’s usb debuggin then enable, It then prompted me for authorization for that computer, select ok, and then it worked fine.


###8.Unable to resolve target “Android-5” Solution:Android SDK Manager > Android 1.6 (API 4) > Intall

Eclipse > Preferences… > Android > Apply > OK

Project > Properties > Android > Project Build Target

###9.error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name ‘@android:TextAppearance.Material.SearchResult.Subtitle’. Solution:Project > Properties > Android > Project Build Target > 21


###10.Android studio Offline document path



###11.Error:Execution failed for task ‘:app:processDebugManifest’. Manifest merger failed : uses-sdk element cannot have a “tools:node” attribute

Solution:Add this line to uses-sdk tag like this:

    tools:node="merge"   <----This line do the magic
    android:targetSdkVersion="19" />

And add the tools name space in manifest :

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" .....


###12.Gradle DSL method not found: ‘runProguard’

Error:(27, 0) Gradle DSL method not found: 'runProguard()'
**Possible causes:
The project 'Atomic4Mobile' may be using a version of Gradle that does not contain the method.
**Gradle settings**
The build file may be missing a Gradle plugin.
**Apply Gradle plugin**

Solution:runProguard was renamed to minifyEnabled in version 0.14.0.


###13.error “Library projects cannot set applicationId”

Error: Library projects cannot set applicationId. applicationId is set to 'com.super.app' in default config.

Solution:Removing applicationId variable from the library’s build.gradle file should resolve the issue.


###14.How to increase the font size in Android Studio?

Solution: In mac book ,you can use two fingers to zoom in(increase font size) or zoom out for decrease font size, like when we zoomed image in mobilephone.


###15.Eclipse report error when loading the SDK

Error: Error parsing /Users/dongmeiliang/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-23/android-wear/armeabi-v7a/devices.xml
cvc-complex-type.2.4.d: Invalid content was found starting with element 'd:skin'. No child element is expected at this point.
Error: Error parsing /Users/dongmeiliang/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-23/android-wear/x86/devices.xml
cvc-complex-type.2.4.d: Invalid content was found starting with element 'd:skin'. No child element is expected at this point.
Error: Error parsing /Users/dongmeiliang/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-24/android-wear/armeabi-v7a/devices.xml
cvc-enumeration-valid: Value '280dpi' is not facet-valid with respect to enumeration '[ldpi, mdpi, tvdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi]'. It must be a value from the             enumeration.
Error: Error parsing /Users/dongmeiliang/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-24/android-wear/x86/devices.xml
cvc-enumeration-valid: Value '280dpi' is not facet-valid with respect to enumeration '[ldpi, mdpi, tvdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi]'. It must be a value from the             enumeration.
Error: Error parsing /Users/dongmeiliang/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-23/android-wear/armeabi-v7a/devices.xml
cvc-complex-type.2.4.d: Invalid content was found starting with element 'd:skin'. No child element is expected at this point.
Error: Error parsing /Users/dongmeiliang/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-23/android-wear/x86/devices.xml
cvc-complex-type.2.4.d: Invalid content was found starting with element 'd:skin'. No child element is expected at this point.
Error: Error parsing /Users/dongmeiliang/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-24/android-wear/armeabi-v7a/devices.xml
cvc-enumeration-valid: Value '280dpi' is not facet-valid with respect to enumeration '[ldpi, mdpi, tvdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi]'. It must be a value from the             enumeration.
Error: Error parsing /Users/dongmeiliang/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-24/android-wear/x86/devices.xml
cvc-enumeration-valid: Value '280dpi' is not facet-valid with respect to enumeration '[ldpi, mdpi, tvdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi]'. It must be a value from the             enumeration.

A:Delete the package Android Wear ARM EABI v7a system image and Android Wear X86 system image under API 23 and API 24.

Reference:Error Loading the sdk when eclipse is started