iOS App 开发问题汇总(八)
1.Detect hash tags #, mention tags @, in iOS like in Twitter App
A:You can use this library. It also detect user taps on hashtags Like this:
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Reference:Detect hash tags #, mention tags @, in iOS like in Twitter App
A:利用用途广泛的命令行工具 security快速地显示出你的系统中能用来对代码进行签名的认证的方法:
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3. It report BAD_ACCESS when set delegate for AVAudioPlayer.
A: The reason is I instance AVAuidoPlayer without content like this:
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We should instance it with content:
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4. How can I show my own app icon at the bottom-left corner of iPhone lock screen?
Solution: 1. This is iOS 8 new feature called Handoff more info here.
- You can’t control what app appears in the bottom-left corner of the lock screen. Neither can you add code to your app to make your app appear there whenever you want. These are called Suggested Apps and it’s a feature of iOS.
iOS controls what app appears there based on several factors, including your location, the apps on your device, and your history of where & when you use those apps. Together, iOS trys to present you with the app you would most-likely use at a given time, location, and history.
If you don’t like this feature, it can be turned off in Settings -> General -> Handoff & Suggested Apps.
Reference:How did a calendar icon make it to my Lock Screen?
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A:问题的原因是AJFrameDevApp和AJFrameDevAppTests这两个target都链接了一个相同的静态库。 于是我将Podfile的内容由
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Reference:Class is implemented in both. One of the two will be used
6. 如何调用私有类的私有方法?真实的场景是开发了一个库,库中A持有一个私有类的属性,那么如何对私有类进行相应的单元测试呢?
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7.Too many arguments to function call, expected 0, have 3
A:The answer is you need to strong type objc_msgSend for the compiler to build it:
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Reference:Too many arguments to function call, expected 0, have 3
8. Why do we need Base64?
A:Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format by translating it into a radix-64 representation. A binary-to-text encoding is encoding of data in plain text. More precisely, it is an encoding of binary data in a sequence of characters. These encodings are necessary for transmission of data when the channel does not allow binary data (such as email or NNTP) or is not 8-bit clean.
Binary-to-text encoding
9. 360° panorama libraries for ios
Reference:360° panorama libraries for ios
10. When should we use macro in iOS?
A: As we known, macro has many disatanges:1.lack type info;2.can be redfine. Since its a keyword in C, when should we use it?
There are occasions where macros provide functionality not available through other means.
For example, I have a simple macro I sometimes use when debugging Objective-C to log when certain methods are called. This can be done like so:
NSLog(@"%@: %@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));
This can’t be moved into an Objective-C method because it will always log the name of that method. (Obviously it can’t be moved into a C method, as there is no self and no _cmd variables available.) Creating a macro for this is straightforward, however:
#define LOG_SELECTOR() NSLog(@"%@: %@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd));
Reference:Appropriate Use of C Macros for Objective-C Developers
11.Open Source VoIP/SIP Objective-C Code?
A:siphon (
Home of the World’s first free SIP/VoIP application for iPhone and iPod Touch 1 and 2.
Siphon SIP/VoIP project is the first in his category that works on iPhone and iPod Touch 2 with headset for all SIP providers. It is a nat>ive application approved running on 2.X using internal micro/speaker and headset.
The Application supports the SIP standard, preserving compatibility with hundreds of SIP providers and offers a GUI which preserves the ap>>ple design of native iPhone applications.
Reference:iOS: Open Source VoIP/SIP Objective-C Code
12. How to show a search icon in indexed table view?
If the data source includes this constant string in the array of strings it returns in sectionIndexTitlesForTableView:, the section index displays a magnifying glass icon at the corresponding index location. This location should generally be the first title in the index.
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How to implement a function that active search bar when user tap magnifying glass icon?
First, add support for indexed table view;
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Note: set navigation bar to translucent via Interface Builder or Programatically self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = YES;
, otherwise search bar will animate out table view.
Reference:UISearchController searchBar in tableHeaderView animating out of the screen
Second, hack tableView:sectionForSectionIndexTitle:atIndex: method.
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Reference:Making UITableViewIndexSearch jump to tableHeaderView instead of section 0
13.Transparent UIToolbar
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Reference:How to draw a transparent UIToolbar or UINavigationBar in iOS7
14.App Transport Security Dictionary Details
A:Information Property List Key Reference.
15.How do i get Weekday and/or name of month from a NSDate variable?
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Reference:How do i get Weekday and/or name of month from a NSDate variable?