


在OS X和iOS中,文件系统处理数据文件,应用程序和操作系统本身相关文件的持久存储。下面简要介绍下 iOS 文件系统的基础知识,以便我们更好的使用她。

iOS应用和文件系统的交互基本上仅限于它沙盒内目录。新应用安装过程中,安装程序为应用创建了数个容器。每个容器有个特定的角色。The bundle container holds the app’s bundle, whereas the data container holds data for both the application and the user. The data container is further divided into a number of directories that the app can use to sort and organize its data. The app may also request access to additional containers—for example, the iCloud container—at runtime.


"App Sandbox"


Directory Description
AppName.app This is the app’s bundle
Documents/ Use this directory to store user-generated content.
Documents/Inbox Use this directory to access files that your app was asked to open by outside entities.
Library/ This is the top-level directory for any files that are not user data files.
tmp/ Use this directory to write temporary files that do not need to persist between launches of your app.


限于篇幅,关于应用的数据应该放到哪,可以查阅File System Programming Guide > File System Basics > About the iOS File System > Where You Should Put Your App’s Files


  1. NSUserDefaults;
  2. Property Lists;
  3. Archive;
  4. 数据库;
  5. Core Data。 ####NSUserDefaults

NSUserDefaults类提供与默认系统交互的程序接口。默认系统允许应用去自定义它的行为来符合用户的偏好。所以它主要是用来存储些配置信息。 它支持的数据类型有:floats,doubles,integers,Booleans,URLs,NSData,NSString,NSNumber,NSDate,NSArray和NSDictionary。如果还想存储其他类型的对象,需要使用NSData对它们进行归档。

####Property Lists

当我们需要持久化的数据量在几百KB内时,property list为我们提供了统一而方便的方法持久化数据。如果我们的对象全由NSDictionary, NSArray, NSString, NSDate, NSData, 或NSNumber类派生,我们可以创建property list。事实上,NSUserDefaults就是把数据保存在property list中。

Property list有三种存储方式:XML, binary format, “old-style” ASCII format inherited from OpenStep。old-style format的序列化API是只读的。

XML property list比binary格式的可移植性好,可以手动编辑,但是binary property lists兼容性好,需要的存储空间少,读写速度要优于XML property lists。通常来说,如果你的property list相对较小,XML property lists的优点会战胜它相对binary property lists的I/O速度,难兼容的缺点。如果你有大量数据,binary property lists, keyed archives,或自定义数据格式会是更好的解决方案。



Cocoa archives可以持有Objective-c对象,标量,数组,结构体和字符串。它不能持有和平台相关的类型,例如union, void *, function pointers, 和long chains of pointers。


####数据库 iOS中有了以上数据持久化方法,我们为什么还需要数据库?


目前在iOS App开发中,SQLite是个不错的选择。


SQLite is an in-process library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.


####Core Data

Core Data是Apple为我们提供的一种持久化方法,比较强大也比较复杂。


File System Programming Guide
Property List Programming Guide
Archives and Serializations Programming Guide