本文是我做 iOS 项目持续集成和部署的笔记。


  1. jenkins;

     $ brew update && brew install jenkins
  2. fastlane;

     $ sudo gem install fastlane --verbose
  3. fir-cli;

     $ sudo gem install fir-cli

    fastlane 自动构建

  • cd [your_project_folder]
  • fastlane init
  • Follow the setup assistant, which will set up fastlane for you
  • Edit Fastfile
fastlane_version "1.25.0"

default_platform :ios

platform :ios do
  before_all do
    ENV["SLACK_URL"] = "https://hooks.slack.com/services/..."


    gym(scheme: "srsApp") # Build your app - more options available

    # xctool # run the tests of your app

  desc "Runs all the tests"
  lane :test do

  desc "Submit a new Beta Build to fir"
  desc "This will also make sure the profile is up to date"
  lane :fir do
    sh "sigh --team_id your_team_id"
    #deliver(beta: true)

    #"ipa distribute:pgyer -u USER_KEY -a APP_KEY" # 上传到蒲公英

    #"ipa distribute:fir -u USER_TOKEN -a APP_ID" # 上传到fir.im

    # sh"ipa distribute:fir -u USER_KEY -a APP_KEY"
    # You can also use other beta testing services here
    sh "fir p ../srsApp.ipa -T USER_TOKEN"

  desc "Submit a new Beta Build to pgyer "
  desc "This will also make sure the profile is up to date"
  lane :pgyer do
    sh "sigh --team_id your_team_id"
    #deliver(beta: true)

    # You can also use other beta testing services here
    sh "curl -F \"file=@/Users/dongmeiliang/Documents/HJKApp/srsApp/srsApp.ipa\" -F \"uKey=USER_TOKEN\" -F \"_api_key=APP_KEY\" http://www.pgyer.com/apiv1/app/upload"

  # You can define as many lanes as you want

  after_all do |lane|
    # This block is called, only if the executed lane was successful

       message: "Successfully deployed new App Update."

  error do |lane, exception|
       message: exception.message,
       success: false

使用 fastlane fir测试能否正常构建。


可以利用 xcodebuild 命令来实现自动测试。

$ xcodebuild -project UI\ Testing\ In\ Xcode.xcodeproj -scheme UI\ Testing\ In\ Xcode -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6s,OS=9.1' test

jenkins 持续集成

  1. 创建自动构建 job

    • Open http://localhost:8080 with safari
    • Install plugins
      • HTML Publisher Plugin
      • AnsiColor Plugin
      • Rebuild Plugin
      • GIT Plugin
    • Create job > input item name > Freestyle project > OK
    • Configuration Source Code Management Git Repository URL /Users/dongmeiliang/Documents/HJKApp Branches to build */test Add build step > Execute shell

        source ~/.bash_profile  
        cd srsApp/  
        fastlane  fir  
    • Save > build
  2. 创建自动测试 job

    Add build step > Execute shell

     source ~/.bash_profile  
     $ xcodebuild -project UI\ Testing\ In\ Xcode.xcodeproj -scheme UI\ Testing\ In\ Xcode -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6s,OS=9.1' test

Testing with Xcode fastlane
Jenkins Integration
iOS可持续化集成: Jenkins + bundler + cocoapods + shenzhen + fastlane + pgyer